Crafting is my Therapy


In the last couple of weeks I signed up for Twitter (@ambrosiastitch – if you are interested in catching up with me there).  Am I the only one who finds it all a bit bewildering? Instagram was easy, Facebook was frustrating, Twitter was a little overwhelming and Pinterest…. I like it but I don’t feel I properly understand it. If anyone wants to travel over to Sicily and explain it all to me very slowly, I promise I will cook you a marvellous Sicilian lunch. Well, a lunch made with marvellous Sicilian fresh produce, which might not be quite the same thing!


However, one of the benefits of tweeting on a very semi-regular basis is that I have been able to connect with some crafty bloggers that I have not encountered before. I was particularly struck by Me, You and Magoo. This was for a couple of reasons, firstly because she wrote a very interesting post about carers.  Before we moved to Italy I worked as a project manager for a London hospital.  I was based in the Human Resources dept and part of my role was to support staff who also had caring responsibilities at home. I can honestly say it was one of the most rewarding aspects of my job and it is a topic I still have a lot of interest in. The other reason for my interest was the “Crafting is my Therapy” link up she runs in partnership with Jennifer’s Little World.

The purpose of the link up is to share any projects you may be working on right now with the focus being on crafting for no other reason than the pleasure it brings as well as carving out some quiet time in our busy lives. I just really liked this idea because it chimed with a lot of what I wrote about in my previous post.


This is my entry for this month. I am going to write a little more about this project in a future post but I felt it applied to the “Craft is my Therapy” link up this month because I started it purely as a challenge to myself. I had begun a similar project a while ago but it hadn’t quite worked out so I had cast it aside. I decided to resurrect the idea with a few variations. Aside from enjoying the process of making it, whilst doing so, I have been struck by so many new ideas that I cannot wait to begin.

Just taking a little time to be creative opens the ways to so many new ideas.  I cannot recommend it enough. Pop on over to Me, You and Magoo to find out more about he link up rules and the giveaway they are offering this month.

18 thoughts on “Crafting is my Therapy

  1. Thank you for taking the time to write this post & helping to spread the word about “Crafting is my Therapy”…we really appreciate it. I love your embroidery projects, I’m so glad I found your blog via Twitter. Social media confuses me too, but it does have its advantages!
    Your previous project manager role sounds like an interesting one…I think it’s so important to support individuals in their caring roles. Empathy and respite are two vital things we can offer carers 🙂


  2. Oh, I love your piece… Such gorgeous bright colours! And this is a timely reminder that I should take some time out to do craft for craft’s sake once in a while 😀 As for those social networks… Eeeek! There’s not a day goes by that I don’t cuss out Facebook for just being awful. I have become quite fond of Instagram though, after some initial teething troubles (“where are the instructions?! “) and I just joined Twitter last week, so I’m off to find you now!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I still do not like Facebook. I am finding Twitter friendlier than I expected but still a little overwhelming. Instagram is my favourite – it is all so easy. I think making to sell is good (I am thinking of starting to sell a few pieces once in a while) but making for the sake of making is good for us and….can lead to even more inspiration for the more commercial side of things!

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      1. That’s true 😀 It’s always good to step outside your comfort zone once in a while and try something new… I’ve been having so much fun with felting recently! Good luck with your selling plans, too!

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  3. Welcome to Twitter, I find it difficult to sort out the chatters from the link droppers (but I’m a link dropper myself so I can’t criticise!) but it can be helpful to make lists of people that you chat to so you can find them easily. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous embroidery and linking up to #craftingismytherapy, it is really beautiful!

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  4. I don’t get the point of twitter at all, but i love Pinterest. The confusion comes from it being called social media. It’s not. It’s a pinboard. Find something you like on t’internet and want to come back to and you just pin it to one of your boards. I follow about 5k crafters. I have no idea who any of them are and i don’t get into conversation with them, i just follow loads of people so i can scroll through my feed for hours (usually whilst watching tv) and pin anything that takes my fancy

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  5. Hi! I found this post really interesting and I’ve enjoyed reading the comments too. I signed up to twitter a few months ago but I struggle with it more than any other social media. I dip in and out infrequently; now I’m paranoid about being a link dropper!! (bloglovin auto links my posts to twitter without asking me to do it…?)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh! Thank you! I am so pleased you did. I only came across the phrase “link dropper” recently. I will come and find you on Twitter and you will then know you have at least one follower who doesn’t mind in the least! 😄😄

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  6. Your sewing is so neat! I love your happy hoop 🙂 Yep, Twitter was (still is) an overwhelming one for me, but its getting easier. I shall find and follow you now, good to meet you #craftingismytherapy

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